Holy Crap, You're Here

I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked!

I haven’t made everything pretty yet. Nor have I cleaned up anything. I will let you in on a little behind the scenes info—did you know that a lot of online writing uses BTS as an acronym for behind the scenes and after I discovered KPop that was pretty confusing for a while (I’m not Army, but respect)—OH, right. So the font choice I went with, for the most part, is called “Bitter.”


Bitterness is something I strive away from, so I thought it would be a good reminder. I suppose, or, it was just humorous.

Anyhoo, I wanted to work on more long-form essays on my blog, but also add commentary about current items in media, technology, education, and pop culture. When I put them all in one place, I felt overwhelmed.

So, since I wanted to tryout Beehiiv as a newsletter service, here we are.

Glad to welcome you.

You’re Dynamite!